ISUS Institute of Construction Technology

DAYTON — ISUS, an award-winning charter school, will suspend its operations for the 2012-13 school year to address its business plan and a $2 million debt.

“We need to develop a new economic model that will provide a more predictable cash flow,” said U.S. District Judge Walter H. Rice, vice chairman of the ISUS trustees. “We simply cannot operate next year.”

The school has been hit hard by the recession and housing crisis, relying heavily on money from the sale of houses built by students as well as state and federal funds.

ISUS, or Improved Solutions for Urban Systems, serves students ages 16 to 22 who have previously dropped out of school; about 70 percent have had brushes with the law.

ISUS students can earn high school diplomas, college credits and industry credentials in construction, health care or manufacturing...

The school enrolled 300 at its peak in years past, but was down to fewer than 200 students for 2011-12.

State and federal grants and earmarks also provided funding for ISUS.

“We used to get a great many grants but, because of cash flow, we have fallen behind our debt obligation,” Rice said, “which then makes us less attractive for grants.”

This winter, foreclosure proceedings began on the ISUS building at 140 N. Keowee St., and a receiver was appointed to oversee the school’s business.

Rice said the foreclosure had not gone through as of Wednesday, but the building’s sale could help toward the school’s $2 million debt...


Anonymous said...

No scandal with ISUS you Teacher's Union Slugs

Anonymous said...

There were scandals and plenty of them. I used to work there. They treated teachers like crap. Teachers were not provided curriculum to use for the students, we had to come up with it on our own. There were a lot of bad teachers there who weren't providing any instruction, yet the good teachers who were doing their best with what little they had were always the ones being told they weren't doing good enough (yet they were never formally observed, only through windows), and were let go for no solid reason.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Anonymous. I worked there as well and found it completely chaotic. A rule would be issued by the Founder one day and contradicted by her the next. Students were allowed to roam the halls, were not required to attend classes and were generally not held accountable for anything other than fighting. Those who tried to actually educate the students found themselves continually in trouble and eventually fired. This "school" did not even have text books; teachers were told to download class material from the internet (a copyright violation, by the way).

Anonymous said...

I dunno what happened after I graduated from their but in my day we was quite strict. So honestly I feel like the hate this got in the comment was unfounded cause without this school I would of never graduated. And the Dayton Public Schools did nothing to help me. I was constantly bullied by other kids their. Told my teachers and my principal more then once and even my mom and dad got involved and still it continued. I had an undiagnosed learning disability that finally did get diagnosed after I went to college. Cause none the staff at DPS gave a damn about me. I was just their paycheck from the state and federal government. So sod the Dayton Public Schools and the union assholes that Run it.